State Coordinator : Sri Jayaraj Sairam
Email: [email protected]
Aum Sri Sairam

சாய்ராம் திருநெல்வேலி மாவட்ட ஸ்ரீ சத்யசாய் சேவா நிறுவனங்கள் திருநெல்வேலி மற்றும் அருணா கார்டியாக் கேர் இணைந்து பகவானின் பரிபூரண அருளாசியுடன் 20.11.2022 அன்று SRP Beneficiaries தொடர்பான ஹ்ருதய சங்கமம் நிகழ்ச்சி மற்றும் இருதயம் தொடர்பான பொது மருத்துவ முகாம ஸ்ரீ சத்யசாய் பாலகுருகுலம் பள்ளியில் வைத்து நடைபெற்றது.SRP 10 பயனாளிகளுக்கு இருதய சிகிச்சை நிபுணர் டாக்டர் அருணாசலம் சிகிச்சை அளித்து ஆலோசனைகள் வழங்கினார்கள் இதைத் தவிர இலவசமாக 30பேருக்கு இருதயம் சம்பந்தமாக ஆலோசனைகள் மற்றும் சிறப்பு சிகிச்சை அளிக்கப்பட்டது. இரத்த பரிசோதனை ECG இலவசமாக அளிக்கப்பட்டது.

Sairam, With Our Loving Lord Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s grace, Sri Sathya Sai Seva Orgn-TN,Salem District conducted Hrudaya Sangamam-2022 programme in Salem Town Samithi premises on Sunday 11/9/2022
State SRP Coordinator Shri.Jeyaraj Sairam , Salem District president, Medical/SRP Co-ordinator & Salem town Samithi Convenor /sevadals, on a total of 20 members were involved in the seva activities.
The programme commenced with Prashanthi flag hoisting, Bhajan with Prayers..and welcome address by the District President.
Also, SSSSO, Salem district Sai Panel Doctors Dr. Chidamabaram,MBBS,DCH ( paediatrician), Dr. O.G. Viswanathan, MD ( Cardiologist & General), Dr.Veerichetty, MD ( General), Dr. Seetha, MBBS, DGO (Gynaecologist) & the Paramedical team of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Orgn, Salem, who are regularly involved in all the regular medical seva – Shri.Sriram & his ECG team, Shri.Senthilkumar also participated and rendered wonderful medical seva to all the SRP Beneficiaries.
Around 23 SRP beneficiaries with family members, two new pediatric patients’ family, on a total 60 members attended the camp. BP, Sugar & ECG tests were taken for all the SRP patients who attended the camp, . After the check-up and detailed study of their post life care, medical counselling & advise were shared by our panel Doctors.
An exclusive table counter was provided for the general medical check up of all the 30 mahila participants escorting the SRP patients. A detailed counselling with medical check-up in Gynaecology with ECG was handled by Dr. Seethamma. All the mahilas were very happy with this gesture.
Our State SRP Coordinator Shri.Jeyaraj Sairam delivered a brief talk about SRP, & the current services of SSSIHMS of Whitefield / Prashanthigram, emergency services, the role of SSSSO, Prashanthi seva etc.,
Shri.Jeyaraj Sairam & the District President both had sweet interactions with some patients’ family and evaluating their fitness for BV guru/ house bhajan.
After this an interaction, a session took place between the beneficiaries & the doctors for an hour. For every query from the patient /family side, all the 4 doctors gave appropriate answers / advise to them.
The open minded interaction session was really an eye opener for all participants, wherein points related to daily life, food habits, Junk food, daily walk, yoga, patient care, children food habits, etc. were all covered. The session was enjoyed by all.
Our Dist.Mahila Coordinator Smt Dhanalakshmi shared the role of Sai seva , Bhajan activities in the Samithies and Prashanthi seva. As an indication of Swami’s blessings, at the end of the session, one mahila came forward for 10 days prashanthi seva in the forthcoming Oct-Nov’22 batch.
Finally after vote of thanks by the Dist medical/SRP Coordinator, the Hrudaya Sangamam programme concluded with Maha Mangala Aarathi & Lunch prasadham.
To all the participants we distributed 100 gms Vibhuthi packet prasadham with Swami’s photo and a colour pamplet emphasising Do & Dont’s / points to be taken care in the normal process of the patient’s daily life.
We thank Swami for giving us this opportunity and the Salem Samithi Convenor along with the team who tirelessly worked for the success of this program. The team not only satiated our hunger for food, also filled our hearts with love with their loving service
Thank you all, Jai Sairam.

Loving Sairam to All. With the blessings of our mother Sai, Hirudhaya Sangamam programme has been conducted at Sri Sathya Sai Mandir, 33, West Club Road, Race Course, Coimbatore on 15.08.2022.
The Programme was started with Prashanthi Flag Hoisting, Prayer and Bhajan.
District SRP Co Ordinator has welcomed the gatherings.
Total of 56 SRP beneficiaries (Gents: 44 + Mahilas : 12) with their family had come for evaluation.
Registration, BP Check up, Blood Test, ECG were done.
The following Doctors have attended the Programme, evaluated the patients and advised them accordingly.
Dr. Ramani MD (Gen)
Dr. P. Ravikumar. MD (Gen)
Dr. K S. Ganesan. MD, MS, M Ch, FIATS, FMMC
Dr. Parvathi, MD (Pharmacology)
Dr. Krishnapriya M.B.B.S,(Gynecologist)
Dr. Vasudevan and
Dr. (Mrs.) Vasudevan
All the patients are doing well, especially valve replacement patients are maintaining PT INR every month. Medicines also distributed to the patients.
Sri. S. Jayaraj, Tamil Nadu State Sri Sathya Sai Rehabilitation Programme Co Ordiinator has explained in detail about SRP activities and advised the beneficiaries to follow cardiologist advice and diet.
Sri. Shravan Kumar, Senior Manager, Sri Sathya Sai Super Speciality Hospital, Whitefield, Bangalore has also attended this Programme as “Special Guest”.
Our Senior Devotee Sri Gopalakrishnan has delivered the vote of thanks
The following supporting team members and our Sevadals have rendered their services at the maximum.
Paramedics – Gents : 2,
ECG Technician – Mahila : 1
Sevadals : 20 (Gents : 14 & Mahilas : 6)
The Programme was well concluded with
Mangala Arathi.
Few pictures are shared below.
Jai Sairam.

Kanchi South District Hrudaya Sangamam Program on 14 Aug 2022

Sairam with Swamy’s blessing Tirupur district SRP Beneficiaries program HIRUDAYA SANGAMAM conducted on 17th July SUNDAY Total 57 beneficiaries participated. Beneficiaries kind thanks giving to swamy from inner heart. Our SRP state coordinator gave motivational speeches for beneficiaries It was very useful for them