Date: 23-June-2018
Day: Saturday
Time: 08:00 AM to 01:30 PM
Venue: SaiGardens Arambakkam Village(adopted by SSSSO), Serpancheri Panchayat(nearPadappai), Chennai-601301
S.No. Animals benefited Count 1
Cow 200 2 Goat 180 3 Hen 120 4 Calf 50 5 Buffalo 50 6 Dog 5
About the Programme:
This is a Veterinary Camp, organized for the welfare of animals in the area of our Sri Sathya Sai Village Integrated Programme(SSSVIP) adopted a village, Arambakkam.
The camp started at @8 AM, after breakfast, with 3 Omkarams. Since the cattle were at different places in the village, the team of doctors and assistants planned to reach them area wise and provide the treatment. Three teams were formed to accomplish this task. The above team was supported by Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organization members. Arambakkam village in-charge Mr. Ranganathan, was with both the teams, coordinating the camp.
The doctor gave injections and medicines to the required cattle. The village people of Arambakkam provided full support to conduct the camp successfully. They have arrangedButterMilk,andTeainsome places to encourage and support the team to do their work at the camp.