Why should I work hard?
I give you three formulae: One–work, work and work. Two–enjoy the fruits of your labour. Today there is no gospel of work in the country. Everyone wants to enjoy without doing hard work. Whatever be the troubles, work hard. Three–use your earnings for public good. When this kind of renunciatory outlook develops among the people, the nation will prosper immensely.
Divine Discourse 13 Feb 1997
What is the path to harmony in life?
It is better to act than to speak. Speech is easy. Practice is difficult. There is real sadhana only when you practice what you profess. There must be complete harmony between thought, word and deed. The ancients proclaimed the supreme quality of this Thrikarana Shuddhi (triple harmony and purity). Where there is divergence between thought, word and deed, Vedhantha declares that it is evil. The triple harmony is the mark of high souled beings. The wicked revel in disharmony.
Divine Discourse 13 Feb 1997
Why does practice make a man perfect?
Abhyasa-anusarini Vidhya (Knowledge is gained by the extent to which it is diligently pursued). Diligent study is essential for the acquisition of knowledge. The Geetha has declared that earnest practice leads to success in meditation. Meditation helps to promote the spirit of sacrifice. Peace is secured from sacrifice. Hence, diligence is essential for achieving anything. All actions in one’s life are performed well through Abhyasa (constant practice).
Divine Discourse 8 March 1997
How practice makes a man perfect?
Instead of preaching the ideals—which is unnecessary as they are already there–you should put them into practice. Propagation is ‘quantity’ while practicing is ‘quality’. Quality is always important. A spoon of cow’s milk is much better than a barrel of donkey’s milk. Youth should turn their minds away from distractions and concentrate on practicing human values.
Divine Discourse 18 July 1997
What is the real essence of reading or listening spiritual scriptures?
People read various types of sacred texts to know themselves. They interact with noble persons, but what is the use? There is no spiritual progress. If you recite all the 700 verses of the Gita, what you get is throat pain, nothing else. You may read the Ramayana and the Bhagavad Gita, but without practice, nothing is gained. Put into practice at least a bit of what you read and hear.
Divine Discourse 28 April 1997