In the year 1952, Mrs Padmavathi ammal along with her family members and Arcot A.L. Kesava Mudaliyar, K. Amsaveni, S. Prema latha, K. Santhi Bai and few family members gone to Prasanthi Nilayam for Dharsan.
Mrs Padmavathi ammal had white patches on her face, swamy materialized vibhuthi for her, then applied vibhuthi on her face, on the spot all white patches vanished. After this miracle they started to worship our Bhagawan, and stared Bhajan mandali at her house in vellore.
Mrs.Sandra kantha, Duraisamy chttiyar, Sundaram Chettiyar, Sri. Kumar chettiyar, Sri. Jayaram Chettiyar, and Karasamangalam village devotees were visited puttaparthi and involved in also SSSSO activities and started Bhajan mandali.
Similarlly Arcot devotees Kesava Mudaliyar, O.R. Saravana Murthi, K. Krishnamurthi, M.R. Subramanaiyam, K. Amsaveni, S. Prema latha, K. Santhi Bai and few devotees were stared Bhajanamandali at Arcot Town, Vinayagar Temple.
In 1952, Arakonam V. magalingam, V. Rajagopalan, R Kanyani M. Vasantha Devotees from Arakonam, vellore District were visited Prasanthinilayam. Bhagawan agreed to visit Arakonam taluk and gave a public discourse at Arakonam taluk.
After few years they were regularly visited Puttaparthi for swamy’s Dharsan. Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organizations, vellore district expanded from Arcot Samithi and Verllore Samithis.
From Vellore Samithi, kalaspalayam then Gandhinagar, now Satuvachari Samithis were developed. Similarly From Arcot Samithi, Walaja Samithi, Ranipet, now melputupet Samithis were developed.
From kalaspalayam Arni Samithi, Cheyyar Samithi (Tiruvannamamali District), Ambur and Gudiyatum Samithis were found.
From Ambur, Karumbur, Masigam, were formed. Tirubatur also one of the oldest Samithi in vellore disctrict. Prof. Kasturi garu has inaugurated the Tirupattur Samithi trust building during 1960
In Vellore District, During the year 1967, The Devotees from Arcot and Vellore town were initiated to spread our Bhagwans messages through Bhajan Mandali. Now it has been developed with 18 Samithis and 21 Bhajan Mandali dynamically participating in all wings of Sri Sathya Sai seva Organizations, India.
Major strength of the Vellore and Tiruvannamalai Districts is our Alumni of Sri Sathya Sai Balvikas. The contribution towards the vision and mission of our Bhagawan is more.
The District level office bearers are from the balvikas background. Present District president and District Educational Coordinators are District and Samithi youth coordinators are from Balvikas.
I proud to say that our district balvikas alumni are currently serving in NAVY, ARMY, DRDO, ISRO, and NASA with Sai principles and discipline….
Jai Sai Ram
Bhajan Mandalis
No. of Sevadals
No. of Youth
Slums/ Villages Adopted
Adopted Under SSSVIP
Bal Vikas Centers
Bal Vikas Gurus