How to see God in all? |
Divinity is present equally in all, irrespective of their beliefs. The believers should conduct themselves on the basis that the Divine is present in them and redeem their lives by acting up to the injunctions of the Divine. Some scientists may deny God, but they do not realize that the powers of the electron and proton are derived from the Divine. God may be called by any name, but God is one. The atheists may adore something without calling it God, but nonetheless the Divine is present in it. Divine Discourse 7 March 1997 |
How to believe in the omnipresence of God? |
How are we to believe in God when we have no notion of his form?” This is sheer folly here is a flower. It has a form, but the fragrance emanating from it has no form. Can you deny the reality of the fragrance because it has no form? Fragrance has a form, but that form is manifested in the flower. Divine Discourse 7 March 1997 |
Where is God? |
Modern boys ask, “Where is God? I want to see and catch Him.” You are aware of air because without air you cannot survive. Can you see or catch it? Similarly God is everywhere. Though you cannot see Him, you cannot live without God. God is consciousness. Divine Discourse 18 July 1997 |
What is the purpose of visiting Prasanthi Nilayam? |
Prasanthi Nilayam is just like an automobile where all parts of a car are repaired, reconditioned and returned to the owner with new tyres, new parts and new painting. You, who come here, should shed your evil habits and thoughts like untruth, etc., and go back with fresh outlook so that your friends and others should find you to be a transformed person. They should feel happy from your better behaviour. Thus you will contribute to the progress of your nation also. Divine Discourse 18 July 1997 |
What is the role of body attachment in realizing one’s divinity? |
God is formless. He is the source of all energy. He is effulgent. Eight kinds of potencies have been attributed to God. He is the source of all sound, all motion, all light, all speech, all bliss, all excellence, all illusion and all prosperity. How is one to realise such an omnipotent Divinity? Water can integrate with water. Air can combine with air. Fire can merge with fire. As God is formless, to become one with God, we have to become formless. What does this imply? It means that we have to get rid of the attachment to the body. This is achieved through dhyana (meditation). While retaining attachment to the body one cannot hope to achieve oneness with God merely by praying for it. You have to become formless to realise the formless Divine. Divine Discourse 20 July 1997 |
What is the importance of divine energy? |
Every being and every, object in the world is divine energy. It cannot be destroyed. But it can be changed from one form of energy to another. For instance, magnetic energy can be converted into electricity. From electricity you can get light or atomic energy. In this manner energy can be converted to different forms, but it cannot be destroyed. This indestructible character is divine. Divine Discourse 20 July 1997 |
How to practice omnipresence of God? |
Embodiments of love! Realise that God is not separate from you. Strive to strengthen this sense of oneness with the Divine. This was the way Meera experienced the presence of Krishna in her heart, when her husband, the Maharana, expelled her from the Krishna temple built by Him. The light of the Divine is within you. Why go seeking for it elsewhere ? This is the light of love and of bliss. Never forget God, whatever may happen to you. There is no greater form of meditation than constant remembrance of God at all places and on all occasions. God is the indweller in the heart. When you experience this you will lack nothing and will be ever blissful. You will commit no wrong and will fear none. Your conscience will be your guide. Love all. Divine Discourse 20 July 1997 |
Why do Avathars incarnate from time to time? |
Avathars teach mankind lessons about how to realise God. Humanity needs divine teachers to redeem it from its troubles. This is the purpose of Avathars, who come down to show mankind the ways of realising the Divine. You must recognise this truth. The Divine does not make the descent as an Avathar without a purpose. The purpose is to enable Nature to fulfill its role. To be born as human beings is a rare blessing. The Avathar instructs humanity how to redeem human existence. Divine Discourse 25 Aug 1997 |
How to comprehend the omnipresence of God? |
God is declared to be omnipresent. How do you decide this omnipresence? There is a practical means of deciding this. We are aware of the basic elements–earth, water, fire, air and space–with five qualities–smell, fluidity, illumination, touch and sound. The earth has all the five qualities, including primarily gandha (smell). Water has rasa (fluidity). It is lighter than earth and is mobile. It has four qualities. Fire has three qualities of which rupa (form) is most prominent. It is lighter than water. Then you have air, which is lighter than fire and has two qualities: sparsha (touch) and shabdha (vibrant movement). Last comes akasha (ether or space) which is the subtlest of the five elements and is all-pervading. Transcending space is God, who is omnipresent. Divine Discourse 9 Oct 1997 |
How to remember that God is omnipresent? |
We must recognise that the world is based on compassion. Perfect faith, dharma, and devotion to God residing in your heart will protect you. Once, God promised a devotee that He would always follow him wherever he went. Then the devotee got a doubt. He turned back to check whether God was really following him or not. Since he did not see Him, the devotee questioned, “God, You promised that You would be behind me; but when I looked back, I did not find You. Why?” God replied, “I was very much there behind you; that was true even when you turned back! That is why you could not see Me!” Divine Discourse 27 April 1997 |
Difference of understanding between a theist and an atheist about God. |
Some people do not believe in God. They are called atheists. They say, “There is no God.” But first they say “There is”, and then say, “no God”. When they say “There is”, it connotes the existence of God. Atheists say, “God is nowhere.” If you attach ‘w’ to ‘no’, it becomes “God is now here.” This is a simple modification. Both the theists and atheists are the creations of God. So, both are close to God. Divine Discourse 29 April 1997 |