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Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations – Tamilnadu

The Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations, founded by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in the year 1965, is a service organisation with a spiritual core and base to benefit all mankind irrespective of religion, caste, creed or sect. The Organisation serves as a platform for its members to undertake service and other activities as their sadhana (spiritual discipline) which is motivated by an urge for self-transformation to realise one’s inherent divinity.

It is emphasised that the Sai Organisation is not a religious or a proselytising organisation. It has also not been established to preach any particular religion. At no point is an individual asked to follow a certain religion or rituals. On the contrary each is inspired to follow his own faith so as to ensure that a Hindu becomes a better Hindu, a Muslim becomes a better Muslim, a Christian becomes a better Christian and so on. In fact, this spiritual basis inspires everyone to pursue his own religion better by putting into practice Love and Selflessness. That is why the Organisation features in its emblem the symbols of the major religions of mankind.

Thus, without any distinction of religion, nationality, race, socio-economic status, either for those who work in the Organisation or for those who are served by it, the Organisation transcends all barriers leading humanity towards the ideal of ‘Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of Man’.

Sundaram – A Prasanthi Nilayam in Chennai 

Thousands throng into this heavenly abode on every Thursday and Sunday and if you are around after the evening bhajan session in Sundaram you can see that by the time they leave the holy precincts of this ‘heaven-in-Chennai’, their faces are red with emotion and radiating a rare kind of serenity and joy…it is as if they had had an audience with their Lord and all the travails and trials of life have just melted away… they are revitalized and invigorated with the power of the divine! They have been touched by His presence.
Sundaram is special simply because it is an indelible part of Swami’s glorious mission. It has not only housed the Lord whenever Swami visited the city after its existence, but also provided comfort and care to thousands of troubled hearts and mangled minds over the last two and a half decades. Miracles have happened at Sundaram. Minds have been moulded and the Lord’s presence felt every moment.
Between 1945 and 1997, Swami blessed Chennai with more than sixty-five visits, In fact, Chennai had become His temporary headquarters while visiting other places.The devotees in Tamil Nadu longed for Swami’s blessings to complete the trilogy [of Sathyam, Shivam, Sundaram – the title of Baba’s biography] by having “Sundaram” in Chennai.

State President's Desk
With the Divine Grace and Blessings of our Beloved Bhagawan, the Website for our State is being launched on the Holy and Most Auspicious day of Bhagawan’s 94th Birthday
The Website will offer a variety of information at all Levels – be it the Samithi, District or the State
Besides providing information, the website will be used for a variety of purposes, including Reporting of Activities, Providing Liquid Love Seva, etc.
Let us Pray to Swami to Bless us and Guide us in all our endeavours
Thank you. Jai Sairam
TN Statistics

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