District President: Sri Sairam. S
Email: [email protected]
Aum Sri Sairam

Yuva Vaibhavam
With the immense blessings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, a one-day long session titled “Yuva Vaibhavam” was organised for the youths of Salem District at Old Suramangalam Samithi, Salem on 16th of July, 2023.
The objective of the programme was to emphasize the power of youth, and to bring out the true potential and the latent talents in them. The session was also well crafted to educate them on the hard and soft skills that recruiters look for, and different methodologies and strategies that they use for their successful careers. Around 30+ youths from Salem, many of them new to Sathya Sai Organisation’s philosophy, showed their enthusiastic participation in the program.
Sri. Suresh, State President, TN (South) addressed the participants and started out with a simple but thought provoking simple question “What is Success?”. The insights he gave to the youths set the tone for the entire day.
Sri. Rajendran, State Service Coordinator, TN (South), handled a lively session interacting with the participants and explaining the importance of cleanliness, leadership and service through his way of storytelling engaging the students.
The session also had many thought provoking value-based fun-filled games organised by SSSNLP students (2023 Batch) to bring out the importance of team work, leadership, focus in achieving tasks.
Sri. Chandrasekar C., SSSIHL alumnus, Founder of Peogic Solutions, spoke on the skills that we need to develop to be successful both in life and career. He emphasised the need for academic excellence, discipline and an attitude of continuous learning through his own personal examples.
To give an overview on the different techniques and methods for improvising one’s resume and way of job searching, Sri. Vignesh, Senior SDE at infra.market gave his insights to the youths making them aware of intricate details that can increase their chance of getting a better and suitable job. Sri. Prasannavenkatesh, State Youth Coordinator, TN (South), drove the sessions with a lot of practical questions to give clarity on the approach the youths must take.
To add a cherry on top, the session also had Sri. Rupesh and Sri. Thangadurai, Disaster Management (DM) faculty members, giving an introduction on DM and demonstrating a few must know lifesaving first-aid techniques.
After giving a lot of inputs for the youths on various topics, the one-day long power packed program concluded with a prayer to Swami to give more such opportunities for being His Instruments in bringing about a change in the society through individual personal transformation.

With Bhagawan’s abundant grace, Salem is blessed to have this programme- Yuva Vaibhavam
An golden Opportunity for all youths to refine their youthship, striving towards successful Leadership with Love.
With sincere Participation, observation / adaption of all key points to be presented in this program by Eminent Speakers/ well wishers of our SSSSO, no doubt, the future of every youth is rest assured in setting up a goal to become an Entrepreneur/Industrialists/Loving Leaders.
ஸ்வாமியால் அனுக்ரஹிக்கப்பட்ட இந்நிகழ்வுக்கு, இப்பதிவை படிக்கும் ஒவ்வொரு பெற்றோரும், தங்கள் வீட்டில் படித்துக் கொண்டிருக்கும் இளைஞர்களையும், படித்து முடித்து தகுந்த வேலைக்காக தன்னை தயார்படுத்திக் கொண்டிருக்கும் அனைவரையும், இந்நிகழ்ச்சியில் கலந்து கொள்ள அனுப்பி வைக்க அன்போடு கேட்டுக்கொள்கிறோம்.
ஒரு புதிய உத்வேகத்தையும் மனோபலத்தையும் நிகழ்ச்சியில் கலந்து கொண்ட அனைத்து இளைஞர்களுக்கும் இந்நிகழ்ச்சியின் முடிவில் உணர்வர் என்பதே சுவாமியின் மிகப்பெரிய ஆசீர்வாதமாகும்.
இளைஞர்களே பொன்னான இவ்வாய்ப்பை கண்டிப்பாக பயன்படுத்திக் கொண்டு, பகவான் ஸ்ரீ சத்ய சாய் பாபாவின் பரிபூர்ண ஆசிகளோடு, வாழ்க்கையில் ஏற்றம் காணுங்கள்.
ஜெய் சாய்ராம்

பகவான் பாபாவின் பிறந்தநாள் 98 பஜனை நிகழ்ச்சி

Sairam, With swami’s blessings we the Balavikas children offered 98 bhajan songs at the lotus feet of our beloved Bhagawan Baba on 2nd Sunday, July 2023 from 2.30.p.m to 7.30.p.m.
Venue: Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samithi, Mahalakshmi Nivas,
8A, Annamalai Nagar 1st Cross,
Chinnathirupathi, Salem-8
No of participants:
Group 1
Girl: 1
Group 2
Boys : 3
Girls : 2
Group 3
Boys : Nil
Girls: 3
Group 4
Boy : 1
Girls: 4
Gurus : 3
Mahilas : 30
Gents: 10
Children : 4
Eswaramba Day Celebrations
Sairam with Swami’s immense grace we have distributed 250 just born dresses in the Maternity ward of the Government Medical College Hospital, Salem to the new born babies on the occasion of Mother Eswaramba day. The chief Matron personally came and distributed to all in the Maternity ward. Sairam
Monthly Eye Camp
Sairam with Swami’s immense grace Salem Samithi conducted out patients monthly eye camp. A total of 61 Male, 71 Mahilas were selected for cataract surgery. With Swami’s grace this camp is running for the past 42nd year. Sairam

With the divine grace of our Bhagawan, Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations, Salem and Dharmapuri District in association with TVS SST, Harur, conducted a General Medical Camp on 1st May 2023 at Kalasappadi, a remote village in Dharmapuri district.
The village is so remote that it is situated in the midst of a forest where proper road access stops 10 km away from the village, after which the road is uneven and steepy full of rocks and mud with two water streams crossing across the way making the terrain scary and challenging to the travelers. Ordinary means of transportation like cars or vans cannot be used on this road. Only heavy duty vehicles can be used to ferry people and other essentials to the village.
With the background check carried out by the Sai Youth Team, it was discovered that the people of the village and its surrounding villages lack medical awareness. Most of them were unaware of their own blood groups. It was also discovered that many of them were affected by Thalassemia, a rare blood disorder.
There were no medical camps organised in the village so far. With the immense grace of Swami, Sri Sathya Sai Organisations were the first to conduct a Medical Camp in this remote village.
With the help of Doctors from Annapoorna Medical College & Hospitals, Salem, (Out of whom 1 is a Balvikas Alumni) the Medical Camp had various departments like General Medicine, Pediatrics, Orthopedics, Women medication and Ophthalmology. BP test, Sugar test and Blood grouping were also done for the Villagers.
More than 400 beneficiaries benefitted with the help of this Medical Camp. Out of the beneficiaries 23 Patients who required immediate treatments were taken to the hospital for
cataract and other surgeries.
With Swami’s Blessings all the beneficiaries were given medicines as per doctors’ prescription at free of cost. Sai Protein packets (1/2 Kg) were given to women and children along with medication for eradication of malnutrition as a measure to improve the medical condition of the village community. Dental kits with tooth paste and brush were also provided to enhance the oral hygiene. Mass Narayana Seva was also carried out at the village.
40 Gents Youth and 10 Senior members, and 5 Mahila Youth and 6 Senior members participated from Salem and Dharmapuri Districts. 5 Balvikas students also participated eagerly for this Divine Seva.
SRP Coordinator, Skill Development Coordinator, Tribal Seva Coordinator, Youth Coordinator also participated from the State Office Bearers Team of Tamilnadu.
We have a plan to conduct follow-up camps on a monthly basis focusing on special needs captured in this camp like eye, neural and mental (Autism) related issues.
We thank Swami for providing this wonderful opportunity and pray to bless us with for more such opportunities

Sairam with immense grace of our beloved swami, the medical camp in tribal village, Kalasapadi, Harur Taluk, Dharmapuri district went on well, nearly 402 people have benefited in this camp. Jai Sairam

இலவச கண் சிகிச்சை முகாம்
ஓம் ஸ்ரீ சாய்ராம். சேலம் டவுன் ஸ்ரீ சத்ய சாயி சேவா சமிதியில் இன்றைய தினம் 1/4/2023 ஆங்கில மாதம் முதல் சனிக்கிழமை ஆகிய இன்று கோவை சங்கரா கண் மருத்துவமனையுடன் நடைபெறும் மாதாந்திர இலவச கண் சிகிச்சை முகாம் நடைபெற்றது.
இன்றைய கண்சிகிச்சை முகாமில் 102 பேருக்கு57 ஆண்கள் மற்றும் 45 பெண்கள்) பரிசோதனை செய்யப்பட்டதில் 40 பேர் கண் அறுவை சிகிச்சைக்கு தேர்வு செய்ய பட்டனர்.
இதில் அதிக இரத்த அழுத்தம் மற்றும் உயர் சர்க்கரை போன்ற காரணங்களால் 62 பேர் தேர்வு செய்யப்படவில்லை. மீதம் உள்ள 40 பேர் (ஆண்கள் 20 பெண்கள் 20) பேர் கண்புரை அறுவை சிகிச்சைக்கு தேர்வு செய்யப்பட்டு கோவை சங்கரா கண் மருத்துவமனைக்கு அவர்கள் பேருந்திலேயே அழைத்துச் சென்று நல்லவிதமாக அறுவை சிகிச்சை முடிந்து பார்வை பெற்று திரும்ப உள்ளார்கள்.
சேலம் ஸ்ரீ சத்ய சாய் சேவா சமிதியை சார்ந்த 25 க்கும் மேற்பட்ட சேவாதள அன்பர்கள் கலந்து கொண்டு சேவை செய்தனர்.
இந்த மாபெரும் சேவையில் பங்கு கொண்ட அனைவருக்கும் பகவான் ஸ்ரீ சத்ய சாயி பாபா அவர்களின் திருவருள் கிடைக்க பிரார்த்திக்கிறோம்.
ஜெய் சாய்ராம்
Sai Protein distribution to Expectant Mothers
Sairam with swami’s immense grace our Salem Samithi distributed 60 packets of Sai protein to expectant mothers in the Primary Health Center, Kannangkurichi, Salem
Sairam the doctors, staff nurses showed interest in the distribution, we thank Swami for this opportunity. We pray to Swami to shower HIS grace to those who are involved in this noble service Sairam
Date of activity 31 March 2023

Sai Protein distribution to Expectant Mothers
Sairam with Swami’s immense grace Salem Samithi distributed 65 packets of Sai protein in primary health center, Vedukatthampatti and Sarkaar Gollapatti. the maternity doctor, superintendent, staff nurse distributed Sai protein to the pregnant ladies. They are very much pleased with our selfless service. Thank you very much swami for the service opportunity Sairam

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba varu 97th Birthday Celebrations
Sairam, By swami’s immense grace, in connection with Bhagawan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba varu’s 97 th birthday celebrations, Sri Sathya Sai Seva organization, Salem Town Samithi has distributed 25 kgs of rice, groceries, sweets, savories and Rs.1000/- cash per home. Fourteen homes have benefited in the surrounding Salem area. We thank Swami for this service given to us. We pray to Swami for more such opportunities to serve the needy and the forlorn. Jai Sairam
Distribution of Sai Protein to pregnant Ladies
Sairam with swami’s immense grace, today sri sathya sai seva samithi,salem distributed 50 pockets of Sai protein to the pregnant ladies in the primary health center, near Vincent, Salem. We thank Swami for this golden opportunity given to us. Sairam

Sairam, With Our Loving Lord Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s grace, Sri Sathya Sai Seva Orgn-TN,Salem District conducted Hrudaya Sangamam-2022 programme in Salem Town Samithi premises on Sunday 11/9/2022.
State SRP Coordinator Shri.Jeyaraj Sairam , Salem District president, Medical/SRP Co-ordinator & Salem town Samithi Convenor /sevadals, on a total of 20 members were involved in the seva activities.
The programme commenced with Prashanthi flag hoisting, Bhajan with Prayers..and welcome address by the District President.
Also, SSSSO, Salem district Sai Panel Doctors Dr. Chidamabaram,MBBS,DCH ( paediatrician), Dr. O.G. Viswanathan, MD ( Cardiologist & General), Dr. Veerichetty, MD ( General), Dr. Seetha, MBBS, DGO (Gynaecologist) & the Paramedical team of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Orgn, Salem, who are regularly involved in all the regular medical seva – Shri.Sriram & his ECG team, Shri.Senthilkumar also participated and rendered wonderful medical seva to all the SRP Beneficiaries.
Around 23 SRP beneficiaries with family members, two new pediatric patients’ family, on a total 60 members attended the camp. BP, Sugar & ECG tests were taken for all the SRP patients who attended the camp, . After the check-up and detailed study of their post life care, medical counselling & advise were shared by our panel Doctors.
An exclusive table counter was provided for the general medical check up of all the 30 mahila participants escorting the SRP patients. A detailed counselling with medical check-up in Gynaecology with ECG was handled by Dr. Seethamma. All the mahilas were very happy with this gesture.
Our State SRP Coordinator Shri.Jeyaraj Sairam delivered a brief talk about SRP, & the current services of SSSIHMS of Whitefield / Prashanthigram, emergency services, the role of SSSSO, Prashanthi seva etc.,
Shri.Jeyaraj Sairam & the District President both had sweet interactions with some patients’ family and evaluating their fitness for BV guru/ house bhajan.
After this an interaction, a session took place between the beneficiaries & the doctors for an hour. For every query from the patient /family side, all the 4 doctors gave appropriate answers / advise to them.
The open minded interaction session was really an eye opener for all participants, wherein points related to daily life, food habits, Junk food, daily walk, yoga, patient care, children food habits, etc. were all covered. The session was enjoyed by all.
Our Dist.Mahila Coordinator Smt Dhanalakshmi shared the role of Sai seva , Bhajan activities in the Samithies and Prashanthi seva. As an indication of Swami’s blessings, at the end of the session, one mahila came forward for 10 days prashanthi seva in the forthcoming Oct-Nov’22 batch.
Finally after vote of thanks by the Dist medical/SRP Coordinator, the Hrudaya Sangamam programme concluded with Maha Mangala Aarathi & Lunch prasadham.
To all the participants we distributed 100 gms Vibhuthi packet prasadham with Swami’s photo and a colour pamplet emphasising Do & Dont’s / points to be taken care in the normal process of the patient’s daily life.
We thank Swami for giving us this opportunity and the Salem Samithi Convenor along with the team who tirelessly worked for the success of this program. The team not only satiated our hunger for food, also filled our hearts with love with their loving service
Thank you all, Jai Sairam.

Prasanthi Seva Sadhana Camp
Sairam with the blessings of Bhagwan, Prasanthi Seva Sadhana Camp was conducted in Salem district on 24 July 2022. Our State President Sri. K. R Suresh, our State Seva Coordinator Sri. Rajendran Sairam, our former Theni DP Sri. Balasubramaniam and District President of Salem participated and motivated the sevadals.


Disaster Management Program for Youth Mahilas
Sairam by Swami’s grace a disaster management programme was conducted in Suramangalam Samithi for the youth mahilas. Sairam
date of activity- 3 July 2022