Date(s) : 30-March-2018 & 31-March-2018
Day(s) : Friday & Saturday
Time : 08:30 AM to 05:00 PM on both days
Venue : Sai Gardens Arambakkam Village, Serpancheri Panchayat (near Padappai), Chennai – 601301
Objective: To teach and develop various skills in arts and crafts for women, in our adopted villages, to uplift their self-employment.
Organized with : SAFERWE Foundation, Bangalore.
SSSVIP Adopted Villages:
Alumni from SSSIHMS Ananthapur Campus : 12
Trainees from SAFERWE Foundation, Bangalore : 2
No. Of Beneficiaries in adopted village : 25 Mahilas (19 – Arambakkam, 6 – Karasangal)
About the Programme:
This programme is a workshop on imparting and training the skills in
crafting various materials, for women in our SSSVIP adopted villages viz., Arambakkam and Karasangal. Programme had both theory and practical sessions from morning till evening of two days.
Skills Imparted:
Trainees from SAFERWE Foundation – Bangalore, taught various skills to the participated women in the village. Listed below are the items taught to be developed individually
1.How to make Waste Basket (Dust-bin) with newspaper.
2.How to make colorful Caps from newspaper.
3.How to make Reception Bags made out of color chart papers.
4.How to create Sweet Box with laminated sheet and make it water proof.
5.How to make Ornaments from color beads
a) Necklace,
b) Earring, and
c) Bracelet

Method of training:
All the participants were split into 5 groups. Each group consisted 5 members. Paper crafts and Ornamental crafts training took place simultaneously with dedicated trainers. Since paper craft training took place in parallel with Ornament crafts, we were able to cover many varieties in a short time. Groups were swapped after each training for the other one. This enabled equal importance to all groups and coverage of all the skills to all the groups on the same day.
Below collage are some snapshots of the training and the resultant product

Follow-up Steps Taken:
1. Convened all 25 participants every weekend (Sunday) and practice the learned skill, in the presence of experienced trainers and recorded video tutorials.
2. Educational Coordinator from Tambaram Samthi – Shrimati.Gayathri, to monitor them in weekend practices.
3. Shrimati.Ilakiya from Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organization, Chromepet, will guide them in weekend practices.
4. Months of vigorous training were provided exclusively for the above-mentioned skill.
5. Placed orders of various crafted items, for general purpose use in Sundaram and other vantage places. 6. Participated Mahilas are benefited by gaining a handful of income (Rs.2000/-) from this training.