Aum Sri Sairam
Trees teach the lesson of sacrifice in that they not only bear fruits while they are alive, but also give away their body to be used as firewood once the life goes out of them. Amongst teachers, a tree is the greatest.
Sathya Sai Speaks Vol. 33, Ch. 17, September 29, 2000
Lord Krishna told Arjuna: “I am in the tree that you see. I am in the ocean. I am in the earth. See Me in everything.
Sathya Sai Speaks Vol. 17, Ch. 26, October 1, 1984
Within Nature, trees are perfect role models for unity and purity, while also teaching us selflessness and sacrifice. In all their rich variety and beauty, trees have been revered by humans since ancient times and they continue to deserve our reverence today, not only for the physical benefits they provide but for the spiritual ones too. They are an essential part of Nature through which we may realise God. Tree plantation drive is an essential part of seva by the SSSSO.
Sairam we are happy to share that all the 36 tree saplings planted in the Sri Sathya Sai Arogya Nilayam, Kuttaladampatti village, Madurai during “Swatchta Se Divyata Tak” initiative by the Madurai District in 2018 have grown very well proving zero failure
Out of the 250 saplings planted by the Madurai District in the Annai Fatima College, 249 have grown very well. The growth of one is slow but it is still alive.
Out of 108 trees planted at a private land all the 108 have grown very well. We have a team of dedicated Seva Dals who regularly visit the planted areas and ensure their growth.
Thanks to our beloved Bhagawan for HIS blessings, we regularly achieve 100% success rate in tree plantations.
Jai Sairam