Aum Sri Sairam Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations, Puducherry on 9th June, inaugurated Sri Sathya Sai Amudham Seva providing Free Lunch to COVID Patients at IGMCRI, by our District Collector Ms. Purva Garg IAS Madam and handed over to IGMCRI authorities, along with Mr. Tamil Selvan Sir Dy. Collector –...
Aum Sri Sairam Chennai Metro North With the blessings of our Beloved Bhagwan, on 31/05/21 we, Chennai North District Sathya Sai Seva Organisations, conducted a Vaccination camp at Our Sathya Sai Nivas Perambur divine abode at Perambur with the great support of Greater Chennai Corporation Senior Officers and Health Officer of...
Aum Sri Sairam There is nothing meritorious in serving those who are high above us. For one thing, they can command the services of attendants. Rendering service to those who are in the same position as ourselves also is not commendable. Service should be rendered to those who are...
Aum Sri Sairam Madurai District With the infinite Grace and Blessings of our beloved Bhagawan, the special free vaccination camp organised by us concluded today. Total beneficiaries in this camp from 27/05/21 to 29/05/21 All our front line sevadals were vaccinated. A number of Sai family members, balvikas parents...
OM SRI SAI RAM Mahila Bhajan Sadhana camp- 9th May 2021 (Sunday) Topic: Namasmarana Kaliyuga Sadana A virtual Mahila Bhajan Sadhana Camp was held on 9th May 2021 (Sunday) from 9am to 2pm. This was organized by the State Spiritual Coordinators: Smt Kalapana Balasubramanian, Smt Kavitha Murali. The welcome address was given by...